Control includes pan-tilt-zoom, focus, brightness, preset position call and program, click centering, and wheel zoom. 操作包括泛倾斜变焦,聚焦,高亮度,预设位置呼叫和程序,单击定心,和滚轮缩放。
Four modes of personal data, target data, preset program and free usage; 个人资料、目标资料、预置程序和自由使用等四种方式;
Kohler's DTV custom shower system helps you experience preset massage and temperature sequences or program your own favorite shower and replay it with the touch of a button. 科勒的数字电视自定义淋浴系统可帮助您的经验,预设按摩和温度序列或调控自己最喜爱的淋浴间和重放,它与用户只需轻触一个按钮。
SDRAM storing real-time pictures, preassembled and preset data, temporary data and program code, FLASH ROM solidified with code, preassembled and preset data, and dual port RAM realizing communi-cation with superior control equipment are adopted in this project. 该方案使用SDRAM存储实时图像数据、预装和预置数据、中间数据和程序代码,采用flashROM固化程序及预装、预置数据,并采用双端口RAM实现与上级控制装置的通信。
The preset template and user – defined template is added in intrusion detection based on C language, and the system is expanded without altering program to improve the reliability of the system for the unknown intrusion detection. 基于C语言的入侵检测系统可增加预置模板和用户自定义模板,不改动程序可扩展入侵检测系统,以增强系统对未知入侵检测的可靠性。
This test stand can preset the test program by request, control the test process automatically, collect the test data at a proper time, process the data and print the test records. 试验台可根据需要预先设置试验程序,自动控制试验过程,适时采集试验数据,进行数据处理和打印出试验记录。